Did you have to give up work due to your caring role?
Have you been out of work and need to figure out how to sell your transferable skills to gain employment?
Perhaps you're having problems in work?
Or do you want to help the person you care for find employment?
We've listed a few resources which may help!
Local employment support (general)
Sutton Job Centre Plus - For the address and opening hours for Sutton Job Centre, plus a listing of local vacancies, click here.
Sutton College provides vocational courses, some of which are free to people looking for work, people on benefits or from low-income households. They also offer Step Ahead – a service offering help with employment skills, careers advice and job search support. This is a drop-in service, currently on a Tuesday but further days may be available in the future. Call 020 8289 4700.
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) runs a job club, offering both one-to-one coaching and a free 9-week course Steps to Employment. CAP is based over the TazZa coffee shop, 1c Manor Place (just off Sutton High Street). It is friendly, free and open to everyone – regardless of faith, age, gender, race, disability or sexual orientation.
Citizens Advice Sutton provides advice around employment issues, including carer rights in the workplace. Appointments can be booked through Sutton Carers Centre.
No Wrong Door offers employment support with a website listing organisations and resources to help people find work in South London.
South West London Social Care Hub offers information, links and support on jobs, employment support and training in the social care sector.
Local employment support (for people with extra needs)
Reed in Partnership (part of Sutton Better Working Futures funded by the DWP) offers free support for anyone looking for work who has extra needs (e.g. mental or physical health issues, autism etc) or who faces additional barriers to employment e.g. Carers or ex-Carers. Support includes: helps with CVs, effective job searching, financial support for travel to interviews and for interview attire and workshops on confidence, resilience etc See their website for details and to check whether you or someone you support is eligible: Home | Work Routes | Reed in Partnership or call 0800 015 5332
Sutton Supported Employment Service (part of Mencap’s Employ Me programme) offers job clubs and one-to-one support to people with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and mental health needs aged 18+ in the London borough of Sutton. Based at Hill House, Bishopsford Road, Morden (Rosehill) SM4 6BL Email or phone: 0203 947 8908 There is an online enquiry form here.
Sutton Job Centre Plus – Disability Employment Team: If someone claims Universal Credit and has additional needs they can request extra help with finding work from the Disability Employment Team at Sutton Job Centre. Claimants can request this help through their journal or by contacting Sutton Job Centre. Parents or carers can also request this help on behalf of someone they support (so long as consent has been obtained). Please get in touch with Sutton Carers Centre if you have any difficulties reaching the Disability Employment Team so that we can make a referral for you or the person you support.
The Sutton SEND Local Offer is a website run by Sutton Council which aims to provide information for young people with extra needs up to the age of 25 (and their parents/carers). The Preparing for Adulthood section - Preparing for Adulthood for Young People with SEND | Sutton Information Hub including advice on finding work Employment Advice and Information for Young People with SEND | Sutton Information Hub
National employment support
JobHelp is a government website offering general help with finding work, support, training and advice on finding your next opportunity.
Youth Employment UK offers extra advice for young people looking for work and coping with first jobs.
Indeed is a national job vacancy listing, also offers help with CV writing (click here).
National support (for people with extra needs)
Access to work is a Government scheme which can help you get or stay in work if you have a physical or mental health condition or disability. The support you get will depend on your needs. Through Access to Work, you can apply for:
a grant to help pay for practical support with your work
support with managing your mental health at work
money to pay for communication support at job interviews
The National Autistic Society has advice on finding work, including whether or not to disclose autism diagnosis to potential employers.
Ambitious About Autism is a platform for jobs for young adults on the autism spectrum.
CareTrade is based in Elephant & Castle, London and offers employment support programme for young people and adults with autism.
Exceptional Individuals offers recruitment and employment support to employers and individuals with dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD and autism.
Scope support people with all disabilities with employment advice.
Evenbreak - Award-winning Job board for disabled people offering support and a job listing board “where disabled candidates can search for jobs with inclusive employers”.
Extra support for Carers and ex-Carers
Check out the Carers UK Thinking of returning to work page with lots of useful tips and links.
Mobilise offer practical advice for Carers and on CV writing.
Carers UK offers advice on your rights in work and juggling caring with employment.