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Need help looking for work?

If you are thinking about returning to work or training, there is a lot of support available online including:

The National Careers Service website has free courses for anyone looking to develop their skills for work.

Sutton Job Centre has a list of job vacancies and advice on writing CVs etc.

This JobHelp Government website offers advice to help people into work.

If you spend a lot of time caring for another person it can sometimes feel like you lose track of your own plan in life. Learning for Living is designed to help carers recognise their valuable skills and experience and to apply those skills in relevant environments such as paid work or volunteering. You might also want to check out the Carers UK Living for learning website which offers an online course covering topics such as assertiveness and confidence, knowledge and transferrable skills.

The Carers UK website also has some helpful information on your rights in work as a Carer.

The Government also offer free Skills Bootcamp online courses of up to 16 weeks long which are flexible so you may be able to fit the sessions and work around your caring role. Choose from a variety of industry jobs here and upon completion there is a guaranteed interview at the end.

Want to continue with what you know?

If you would like to move into a paid caring role, local care provider Radfield Homecare offer paid training and help with expenses such as travel.

Don’t forget that if you are on benefits these might be affected if you get paid work. Contact us if you would like to talk in confidence with a benefit advisor.

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