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Snowdon peaked for Young Carers

On Sunday the 24th of September, Linda McNaboe and a group of 11 other intrepid fundraisers, including her son and Young Adult and Adult Carers, trekked up Snowdon to raise money for a very important cause.

It was far from ideal climatic conditions, so a real challenge, and everyone who donated can feel comfortable that blood sweat, tears and a lot of soggy laundry have justified your sponsorship.

The group deserve the biggest thanks for their huge achievement - not only organising and completing their trip, but for their amazing fundraising which you can keep track of here.

Linda has volunteered for Sutton Carers Centre in the past and remembered sending a group of Young Carers to the #YoungCarersFestival, so wanted to raise money so that we could do it again.

The last time we were able to run this even was in 2014, so Linda's fundraising exploits will allow us to have a ten year anniversary in 2024.


What an adventure! The Snowdon trip will allow Young Carers aged 11-16 to have a well-needed break from their caring role at the amazing Festival. For many, it will help overcome barriers such as finances, support and resources to be able to get away - and for some Young Carers it may be their first trip away from home!

The team of hikers walked up Pyg path & down Miners which took 5.30 hrs - a great time considering the weather, and they stayed in a local YHA Pen-Y-Pass; a great spot for walkers at a very reasonable price.

"Some were more prepared than others in terms of equipment, but everybody did it & everybody got soaking wet! But I think everyone’s pleased they did it and the surroundings were amazing, especially the waterfalls cascading down into the lakes."

Organiser Linda McNaboe

Thank you to Linda and her troop:

Alfie Mabbs Will Crozier Toby Bott Tom Butler Joseph McNaboe Lucas Stevens Charlie Ross Jamie Watson Kodi Jay Matthew Lock and Ethan Tomlinson, who gets a special mention for taking charge of the route and getting the group up and down the mountain without a map or GPS!

If you want to get involved with fundraising for Sutton Carers Centre, check out our fundraising page.

Pics from the 2023 epic Snowdon Adventure

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